We support overseas business, export expansion.

Fukushima Trade Promotion Council

Top > Activities > Activities Report for FY2016

Activities Report for FY2016

1. Projects on export promotion

(1) The fairs, events, business meetings to promote the prefectural products
① Thailand
a. Promotion by the Governor

Date May 31, 2016
Venue (a) Thailand Royal Palace
(b) A hotel in Bangkok
(c) Japan Ambassador’s Residence
Detail (a)The Governor offered Fukushima’s cherry to the Royal family of Thailand.
(b) The Governor promoted the prefectural products.
(c) We organized Fukushima tourism seminar and business exchange reception, hosting 130 guests from restaurants, import, tourism and advertising industries of Thailand.












b. Inviting Thai entrepreneurs to Fukushima

Date July 25 to 27, 2016
Detail To promote export of Fukushima’s agricultural products to Thailand, we invited the entrepreneurs of local supermarkets of Thailand, taking them for an observation tour to provide them with information on the prefecture’s safety and quality keeping measures on the agricultural products.






c. In-store promotion of Fukushima peach

Date August 8 to 11, 2016
Venue 40 stores of The Mall Group
Detail We carried out in-store promotion of Fukushima peach at department stores in Bangkok, promoting excellent taste of Fukushima Peach. We had good responses from customers and sold the peaches very well.






d. In-store promotion of Aizu Mishirazu-gaki (Fukushima persimmon)

Date November 16 to 20, 2016
Venue The Mall Group stores, ISETAN Bangkok
Detail We promoted Fukushima persimmon at major department stores in Bangkok.






② Malaysia
a. In-store promotion of Fukushima peach

Date August 4 to 7, 2016
Venue ISETAN Kuala Lumpur
Detail We promoted Fukushima peach at a department store in Kuala Lumpur.






b. In-store promotion of Aizu Mishirazu-gaki (Fukushima persimmon)

Date November 17 to 20, 2016
Venue ISETAN Kuala Lumpur
Detail We promoted Fukushima persimmon at a department store in Kuala Lumpur.






③ Indonesia
a. Promotion of Fukushima’s agricultural products

Date May 16 to 18, 2016
Venue Local import companies, enterprises in food business
Detail We organized business matching meetings with the local enterprises in food business of Indonesia. We also conducted a survey on local market to promote export.

④ Singapore
a. In-store promotion of Fukushima peach

Date July 31 to August 3, 2016
Venue Meiji-ya Singapore
Detail We promoted Fukushima peach at a department store. The customers responded, saying the peaches from Fukushima was very sweet and delicious.






b. Emperor’s birthday reception

Date December 12, 2016
Venue Shangri-La Hotel
Detail We served and promoted Fukushima’s apples, persimmon, rice, and beef at the Emperor’s birthday reception, which had 700 guests from Singapore government, ministers from countries, Japanese companies and society.






⑤ Hong Kong
a. Inviting Hong Kong influencers to Fukushima tourism

Date August 22 to 29, 2016
Venue Places in Fukushima prefecture
Detail To correct false rumor and recover export of Fukushima’s products to Hong Kong, we filmed a promotion video with renowned influencers from Hong Kong at several places in the prefecture, introducing safety and quality of the prefectural products.






b. Hong Kong International wine & spirits 2016

Date November 10 to 12, 2016
Venue Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
Detail We participated in the exhibition as a Fukushima booth with 7 sake breweries and 3 food companies from the prefecture, to promote Fukushima sake and proceed foods.






(2) Financial aid to overseas business promotion
① Assisting expenses for participating in overseas business meeting
We assisted a part of expenses for our members to participate in the overseas business meeting and promotion.
Number of cases: 13 (aid up to 50,000 yen per case)

② Assisting expenses for acquiring certification, compliance with regulations.
We assisted a part of expenses for our members to acquire required certification, to comply with regulation of the region or country for their overseas business.
Number of cases: 2 (aid up to 100,000 yen per case)

(3) Organizing the prefecture’s trade promotion system
In order to organize the prefecture’s trade promotion system, we continued to assign a specialist called “Overseas market development manager” to coordinate with trading companies, to have business meetings.

(4) Strengthening overseas market development of the prefectural products
We continued to assign temporary staff and promoted export survey on the prefectural products, cooperation with JETRO Fukushima, holding of several seminars on trade promotion. Also, we continued to assign a foreign staff to promote Fukushima products overseas and support overseas market development.

2 Developing human resources, disseminating information

(1) Disseminating information on overseas economics
We disseminate helpful information on exhibition events, trade system, regulations of each country received from JETRO Fukushima and other economic organizations, to our members through our website and emails.

(2) Seminars
① Overseas business seminar

Date 26 April, 2016
Venue Sugitsuma Kaikan
Attendance 60
Theme Products strategy and marketing for global business
Speaker Mr. Kentaro Okabe ( Ken Global. Co, LTD)







② Trade strategy seminar

Date 7 October, 2016
Venue Fukushima Agricultural Technology Center
Attendance 75
-Session 1-Theme Significance to challenge overseas market
-Session 1-
Mr. Yuji Shibuya (President of Shibuya Rex. Co., Ltd)
-Session 2-Theme Market of Japanese food in Thailand
-Session 2-
Mr. Yusuke Ujiie (President of Allied Corporation Co., Ltd)







* Co-sponsoring seminars of Fukushima Trade Promotion Council

6/3~7/1 JETRO Fukushima “International business basic seminar” (5 sessions)
4/22~9/16 JETRO Fukushima “International business seminars” (4 sessions)
7/14 Toho Bank “TOHO overseas business support seminar”
8/25~10/13 Fukushima Prefectural Government “ Fukushima export seminar” (6 sessions)
9/20 JETRO Fukushima “TPP seminar ”
10/25 JETRO Fukushima “Fukushima Food Fair 2017 business matching”
11/1 “Aizu Mishirazu-gaki persimmon” Departure ceremony
2/15 Toho Bank “TOHO Asia business seminar”
2/21 JETRO Fukushima “Workshop on overseas customers service”
2/23 JETRO Fukushima “ Overseas business seminar”

Fukushima Trade Promotion Council

2-16 Sugitsuma-cho, Fukushima City, Fukushima Pref., JAPAN, 960-8057
TEL +81-24-521-7874
FAX +81-24-521-7888

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